Experience the special exhibition "Photons in Production", which is being designed in collaboration with the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) at the Technical University of Munich, the Bavarian Laser Center Erlangen (blz), and the Chair of Photonic Technologies at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

With over 400 square meters of exhibition space, you will gain comprehensive insights into current trends and research results in the field of laser material processing.

As a special highlight, two live demos are waiting for you. Laser cleaning demonstrator for a roll-to-roll structuring calendar machine in the production of lithium-ion battery electrodes as well as laser in weightlessness will be presented.

Other topics include:

  • Applications for laser beam welding, cutting and drilling in electromobility

  • High-speed speckle averaging for phase-pure beam shaping in laser material processing

  • Innovative processes and applications for laser-based additive manufacturing
  • Artificial intelligence for process monitoring

  • Additive manufacturing for pharmaceutical products

  • Hyperspectral imaging for temperature determination in laser material processing

  • Laser safety

This year, the special exhibition booth will also offer a Solution Center, where you can receive independent and free advice from scientists.