Advice and contacts for exhibitors

The Laser World of Photonics team will be pleased to answer questions and advise you on designing a successful appearance at the trade fair. We look forward to hearing from you.

Becoming an exhibitor

The sales department will advise you on participation in Laserand is available to answer any questions you may have.

For international exhibitors: International Sales offers you competent and personalised advice and answers any questions you may have. Click here to find the contact person for your country.

A globe symbol with lines of latitude and longitude on a light blue background.
International Sales
  • Contacts worldwide
Find your contact person for your country


Symbol of a generic office building with several windows and a central entrance.
Messe München GmbH
  • LASER World of PHOTONICS Exhibitor hotline

Be there when Laser World of Photonics opens its doors again in June 2025. We would be pleased to support you with professional advice on your successful appearance at the trade fair.

For exhibitors

The Laser exhibition management is available to answer any questions you may have about general trade fair planning (e.g. placement, invoicing, ordering, procedures).

Anke Odouli: Exhibition Director
Katrin Hirl: Deputy Exhibition Director; Hall A2 and B2
Simone Bingel: Hall A3 and B3
Alexandra Ehrhart: Hall B1
Ilana Faustmann: World of Quantum, Hall A1
Carolin Fischer: Event Program
Andrea Keil: World of Photonics Congress

Anke Odouli
  • Exhibition Director
Katrin Hirl
  • Exhibition Manager
Simone Bingel
  • Exhibition Manager
Andrea Keil
  • Exhibition Manager
Ilana Faustmann
  • Exhibition Manager
Carolin Fischer
  • Exhibition Manager

Information about your stand

The Technical Exhibitor Service is your contact for technical orders, approvals of stand plans and general questions about the technology of your stand.

A simple icon of a person on a light gray background.
Hansjörg Dimitriadis
  • Technical Project Manager
Diana Reiter
  • Technical Project Manager

Advertising opportunities

Media Sales advises you on all aspects of advertising spaces on the exhibition grounds.
The catalog clip provides an overview of the comprehensive range.

Our official Media Service Partner jl.medien GmbH supports you with company entries in the Laser media (e.g. exhibitor directory, visitor planner).

Beate Rader
  • Media Sales


For press inquiries please contact:

A woman in a black suit and white blouse poses with a smile.
Claudia Grzelke
  • PR Manager

Logistics & Traffic

Our colleagues at Logistics & Transport will be happy to help you with general questions about logistics, special transports, safety and environmental guidelines and customs clearance.

You can find more information here.

Bright smiling woman with long red hair and round glasses. She is wearing a dark blazer and a white shirt.
Shirley Hellenbrand
  • Logistics & Traffic Manager
Nina Engmann
  • Logistics and Traffic Manager

Rental stands and design with meplan

meplan realises the planning and construction of your exhibition stand for you and is available to answer any questions you may have about stand planning.

If you have commissioned your own stand builder, you can also book all stand services individually in our exhibitor shop.

meplan GmbH
Sebastian Schmid
  • Project Manager


Information on the most important emergency numbers, on guarding the exhibition site or permission to work at night can be found here.

A man with short hair, a moustache and a dark corduroy shirt poses with a smile.
Fabian Georgii
  • Security Manager