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Contact & FAQ

Most important contacts for the World of Photonics Congress and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Your contact to the World of Photonics Congress Management

The World of Photonics Congress Management is available to answer any questions you have concerning the congress. If you are interested in sponsoring offers, please feel free to contact us.

Anke Odouli
  • Exhibition Director
Andrea Keil
  • Congress Manager

Your contact to the societies / conference partners


CLEO® / Europe – EQEC

European Physical Society – EPS

Digital Optical Technologies

SPIE. Europe

ECBO – European Conferences on Biomedical Optics


LiM – Lasers in Manufacturing

WLT – Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Lasertechnik e.V.

Optical Metrology

SPIE. Europe

General questions about World of Photonics Congress

We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions for you on this page.

I want to participate in the World of Photonics Congress. How can I get a congress ticket?

The World of Photonics Congress is an umbrella event that unites several scientific conferences. The conferences are organized by the photonics industry’s leading scientific societies, and they are also responsible for registering participants.

For this reason, you can't buy a congress ticket at the World of Photonics Congress, but have to register with one of the societies to attend the congress. All societies offer the same types of tickets at the same price.

With which association should I register for a congress ticket?

In order to answer this question, a differentiation between speaker and listener is necessary.

Speakers must register at the conference where they have submitted their paper (lecture/poster).

If you have submitted a paper to more than one conference, in most cases it is only required to register for a congress ticket for one conference. However, this must be clarified individually with the scientific societies responsible for the respective conferences.

If you only want to attend the World of Photonics Congress as a listener, you can choose which conference you want to register for. In this case we recommend that you register with the conference or scientific society of which you are a member. For their members, the societies offer a membership discount on the Congress ticket. If you are a member of one of these societies, you should register with them to get this discount.

If you are not a member of one of these associations, you may choose which association you want to order your ticket from. All associations have the same ticket prices for non-members.

Ticket prices for the World of Photonic Congress are available here.

Where can I get detailed information about Laser World of Photonics?

All of the photonics industry’s leading manufacturers, key players and decision-makers gather at the International Trade Fair for Photonics, Components, Systems and Applications. Take advantage of this trade show as a source of new impetus and to make successful business contacts.

All important information about Laser World of Photonics is available on the website.

What events belong to the Laser World of Photonics exhibition network?

Laser World of Photonics trade fairs and their congresses are the most important marketplaces and think tanks for the global laser and photonics industry and those who use its products and solutions. They unite research and application and promote the use and further development of optical technologies. Laser World of Photonics has been organized by Messe München International every two years since 1973. The World of Photonics Congress is held at the same time as the fair. It is the leading European scientific conference in the sector for photonics and laser research and one of the Top 3 in the world. The spin-off exhibition Laser World of PhotonicsChinais the leading regional trade fair for optical technologies in China. It takes place every year in March. The network’s newest event, i.e. Laser World of Photonics India, was first held in September 2012. It is the regional trade fair for optical technologies in India and takes place every year. The fair is held alternately in Bangalore and New Delhi.

When and where do Laser World of Photonics events take place?

You can find all dates on the Laser Network page.