Session chair
Prof. Jürgen Popp
Scientific Director Leibniz-IPHT Chair for Physical Chemistry FSU Jena at Leibniz-IPHT, Jena/DE
Since 2002 Juergen Popp is holds a chair for Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. Since 2006 he is also the scientific director of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena. Juergen Popp is a world leading expert in Biophotonic / optical health technology research covering the com-plete range from photonic basic research towards translation into clinically applicable methods. He has published more than 990 journal papers, has been named as an inventor on 15 patents and has given more than 200 invited talks on national and interna-tional conferences (among them more than 50 key-note/plenary lectures). He received several awards like e.g. an honorary doctoral degree from Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania or the pres-tigious Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award.