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Dr. Michael Scholles


Head of Fraunhofer Center MEOS “Microelectronic and Optical systems for Biomedicine" at Fraunhofer IPMS Dresden / Fraunhofer Center MEOS


Michael Scholles received the Diploma in electrical engineering and the Dr.-Ing degree, both from Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg (Germany). Since 1996, he has been with Fraunhofer IMS Dresden, which became Fraunhofer IPMS (Institute for Photonic Microsystems) in 2003. He had numerous management positions at Fraunhofer IPMS including head of “Business Development & Strategy” from January 2011 until June 2018. Since January 2018, he is the head of the Fraunhofer Center MEOS which comprises the interdisciplinary work of three different Fraunhofer institutes including IPMS.
