Zur Programmübersicht


Hybridly Assembled PICs for Communications, Sen-sing and Quantum Technologies

29.06.2023 von 11:45 - 12:00

Halle A2 | Booth 249

Sprache: Englisch

Vortragsart: Vortrag

Abstract Vortrag

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) must combine several basic building blocks such as lasers, detectors, modulators and passive waveguides, as well as optical functionalities like for example power splitting, spectral filtering, or polarization manipulation. Hybrid integration avoids performance compromises by allowing the best material to be selected for each purpose. Fraunhofer HHI's hybrid integration platform PolyBoard combines passive polymer waveguides with Indium Phosphide (InP) and other active materials. Originally developed for communications applications, the PolyBoard plat-form has been extended to sensor and quantum technologies, not least because of its broad transparency, which extends from the VIS to the NIR wavelength range. Hybrid photonic integration obviously requires more assembly effort than monolithic integration, but on the other hand enables yield management. Initial results have been obtained for automating most of these processes, showing the potential for costeffective volume scaling.
